Big Deck Energy

I have been working helping clients clarify, package and tell their stories in visually and verbally compelling ways for over 15 years. I’ve been influenced by the work of Civil Rights leader Marshall Ganz via the work of my friends Heather Box and Julian Mocine-McQueen of The Million Person Project. The wisdom they have brought into my world is that when people share the authentic, personal reasons why they do the work they do, others can connect with the collective vision and join up.

If this personal approach sounds counterintuitive for someone working at a company or organization pitching new products or services, consider the fact that something landed you in this specific time and place to transmit this specific offering. What would be possible if you were able to identify and share that kernel of inspiration?

My other major influence has been Marianna Lescuel and the team at New Agency (formerly L Studio) who showed me the power of creating a beautifully designed, finished product - whether it be a digital deck, custom printed book or distilled executive report or “one-pager.” When we subject our ideas to the structure of a series of pages or the slides with a beginning, middle and end, amazing clarity is created.

The third thing I have learned from is the power of group work and reflection. For those of you who don’t know, I’m a big fan of mind/body/heart training. I am interested in the ways that awareness and attention unfold as the world we experience. This engagement has led me to work with teachers like Kelly Blaser, who create spaces where participants get to experience themselves as whole and empowered through conscious relationship with others and a collective. 

Being a mentor and participant in Kelly’s CCLI program has transformed the way that I work with clients, giving me a lot of trust in the power of listening, holding space and reflecting the clarity and vision that people already carry. 

So many of you have new offerings you are bringing into the world. I offer the chance to create the tools you need to express your vision for the world in a way that inspires others to join you. The clearer your message, the easier it is for you to spread it — whether you are pitching investors, enrolling your clients, hiring a team or bringing new products to market. Tap into your big deck energy today!


Do You Trust Your Audience?


Postcard From an Iconic Design