Is Your Culture Change Fast or Slow?

Were you following the UN Climate talks this past December? Like many others, I was struck by the last-minute statement from participating nations that we are experiencing the “beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era.” 

Though critics have pointed to the vagueness of this declaration, I see it as a momentous shift. I believe that collective change happens mostly because we believe that said change is inevitable. As management consultant Peter Drucker said, “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” 

Without intention, commitment and support, transformation happens at the pace of cultural change - sometimes quickly due to catalyzing events, sometimes incrementally and with great resistance. 

Many of us have been frustrated, even heartbroken, by the foot-dragging and pandering of our leaders when it comes to climate action. We still don’t know all the mechanisms by which our decarbonized future will emerge, but the VISION has been stated. It lives.

In our lifetimes, we will witness the end of the fossil fuel era. 

Repeat those words to yourself. 

They give me chills of excitement for the future - for the work we get to do to create this future. In 2024, I am committed to harnessing and distilling this visionary energy for my clients, many of whom are directly involved in creating the decarbonized systems and economies of the future. 

Gathering and sustaining momentum to do big things takes intention, attention and support. As a designer and storyteller, I reflect, distill and give form to new ideas and movements. Are you ready to take action?

In preparation for 2024, I developed 3 packages to serve the needs I most commonly see when I work with leaders to tell their stories, design their communications and strategize their outreach. 


I’ll Be Your Mirror


The Gift of Clear Seeing