Stewarding Spaceship Earth at Landscape Scale

We have worked with some of the most innovative land management agencies and capacity-building organizations that work on behalf of lands, waters and living beings.

What used to be called “conservation” is being reimagined as a movement to heal our relationship with our planet. Agencies and organizations on the leading edge of this work have realized that they must work across park boundaries, property lines and professional disciplines to steward lands at a landscape scale.

The Stewardship Network

The Stewardship Network exists to connect, equip and mobilize people and organizations to care for land and water in their communities. We collaborated with New Agency to create a new brand as well as a fundraising presentation deck and other collateral for this backbone organization.

Stories of Stewardship StoryMap

The California Landscape Stewardship Network partnered with the National Park Service, the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, OneTam, and citizens groups to create this web story and site to document stories of stewardship from across the country.

Mycelium Map: An Interactive Theory of Change for 21st Century Stewards

We designed this digital handbook with the California Landscape Stewardship Network. “Mycelium is a fungal structure that forms threads and branches which grow in complexity and serve to connect, strengthen, and share resources across an ecosystem. As a guide to undertaking equity work, the Mycelium Map borrows from this ecological metaphor, providing the user with a pathway to explore, consider/reconsider, and to act.”

Redwoods Rising

We created the brand for Redwoods Rising, a collaboration among Save the Redwoods League and Redwood National and State Parks. The mission of this collaborative is to protect remaining and future old-growth forests on the North Coast by expanding, connecting and restoring redwood forest ecosystems, ensuring their long-term forest health through coordinated management at a landscape level, increasing public benefit and support, and improving educational opportunities and visitor experiences. We worked with frequent partner New Agency.


Prospectus Group


Saxelby Cheesemongers